I specialize in offering mostly preloved items, occasionally, I also sell some brand new products, so please check the photos carefully to assess the condition of each item. I strive to provide excellent customer service, so if you have any questions or need additional information about an item, please don't hesitate to drop me a message. Your satisfaction is very important to me.
Thank you for visiting and happy shopping! Products are 100% authentic and original. Items are kept away after photo taking, most items are old and we provide as many photos as possible.Please stay away if you are particular. Please ask for more pictures if needed and we will get back as soon as possible. Item is released in 2020. Items are manufactured in other country China, Vietnam and etc. Item above 2kg: Singapore Speedpost (Limited Tracking).
Kindly note that for limited tracking, it will only update till the item reaches the recipient's country. Please note that while we self-evaluated the item to be in a certain condition, we cannot guarantee the exterior packaging will remain in that condition.